Open chat with Bala (Raghu) of Team Ignite who is also a PS Alumni!

1) Tell us about yourself, your Team Ignite and what you were involved with Friends InDeed and Sukrtam?

I have been involved in relief activities right from the Tsunami, wherein I had travelled all along the coastal areas and distributed relief items in Cuddalore, Karaikal, Nagapattinam and Velankanni

Team Ignite was formed on the day the 1st lockdown was imposed(25th of March 2020) between classmates, fellow Harley riders and other friends

During the second wave this year, I got involved with Friends InDeed/ Sukrtam as I wanted the resources/ knowledge of the members of Friends InDeed to be utilised to the fullest.

2) Tell us more about what is a KIT and why you feel it is important in the current situation?

Food is the most important thing after pure air for anyone to survive. The kits we give are to address the eating needs of the economically weaker sections of the society. As we have a decent infrastructure of getting the items at good prices, having them packed and delivered to us, and a good strength of volunteers, we are able to handle distribution in various parts of Chennai and adjoining districts.

3) What were the challenges you faced on ground while distribution of KITS to people?

Getting passes were a major hurdle. Getting funds initially to get the ball rolling was a major hurdle too. This year, getting volunteers has been an issue with so many cases prevalent

4) What safety precautions you and your team of volunteers take while you are on ground?

How much ever precautions we take, all it takes for the virus to spread is just a minute droplet. Hence, it\"s more of the conviction/ faith / direction that has helped us. Not that we aren\"t aware of the precautions, but we did not stop there

5) What more would you like to see happening as positive reinforcements for the under served people?

Govt to identify people like us and give us certain benefits like issuing passes, getting us items at better rates, give us the requisite social coverage.

The importance of \" savings\" should be brought in as an habit to not only the weaker sections but also to the earning members of this generation. Without one month\"s salary/ cut in the salary, we see people getting broke. EMI\"s are greater than the salaries they draw..

It should be made compulsory to institutions big and small to set aside a percentage of their earnings/ profits towards CSR activities. Govt can give them other benefits if they cultivate this culture

The Govt can also have a pool of groups such as Team Ignite and allocate different roles to different groups. Here, most seem to be doing the same thing and covering the same areas, leaving a huge void.

We tend to give what we feel is necessary. It will be ideal if we are made to know what is necessary and we address the need.

One more thing which will help - Children from a very young age should be made to inculcate the habit of giving/ helping/ giving respect to those who don\"t enjoy the same comforts as most of us do. The shift in perspectives need to change from that level.


  1. Excellent interview, Bala and Ravi. From on the ground issues, policy changes and long term good habits, a lot covered in a succint interview. Thank you and wish you continued strength and success.


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